Monday, February 14, 2011

Deep Breathing :D

Oh hey there Juniors,

Everyone should take a deep breath and a chill pill. You could even ask for some deep breathing exercises from Revathi, just don't’ tell her I sent you. I am getting the distinct vibe that you are all kind of freaking out about this whole college thing. (deep breath) From your Facebook posts about testing to the wide-eyed looks at the Brown Bagger about resumes, I got the impression that you’re all kind of overwhelmed. Which makes sense, Lisa has a very limited amount of time for sharing information with you, so she shares a lot at once. (Cue another deep breath) So I am going to share some truths with you, because sharing is caring, and that’s what the PCCs are for.

My Truths:

1. No need to freak out about testing. I took my first SAT in June 2010 and my last one November 2010, as long as you’re not applying EA or ED anywhere, you’re got a lot of time to prepare.

2. This one is a secret, that has been kept for generation after generation of high school seniors and juniors. These standardized tests don’t matter all that much in the long run, they are merely one portion of what colleges will be looking at when they read your application. (deep breath)

3. I had my first meeting with Lisa about college in the middle of June. I had no idea where I wanted to apply at that point, and I didn’t until around October of senior year. That may seem really late to some of you but it’s all about feeling stuff out, it’s a learning process, not just about the colleges you’re looking at, but yourself.

4. Some of you may be hyper-proactive about taking tests, and finding schools you want to apply to, and essay writing. That is wonderful and admirable, but will be an effort unattainable by most of you. You may have a friend who finishes all their essays over the summer, you do not need to be them. Take the time you need. (deep breath).

5. You will not get into Yale, Harvard, Stanford, and Princeton etc if you only apply for the name. You may get into one of those schools, you may get into none, the name doesn’t mean everything. Not getting into these schools is not the end of the world.

6. Your dream school may be super disgustingly expensive. Don’t let that discourage you. You are smart, you are resourceful. If you really belong there, you will find a way. You could do what I did. Apply to schools you love, don’t even look at how much money they cost. Don’t rule out a school just because of money.

7. You will not fail at life, I promise. (deep breath)

I hope these truths help settle your mind some, and make you take a look at the big picture. Deep breaths guys, it’s an distance event, not a sprint.

Your PCC,

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