Tuesday, August 31, 2010

College Visits. Omg. Omg.

Omg. I have two schools that I need to visit and I haven't scheduled visits for. This is crazy. I have two months before my first application is due. And of course, that is to a school I haven't scheduled a visit for. AGHHHH!!!

Just a word of advice: schedule early.

Also, before you go on said visit, do your homework (no, not your calc). Research the college, and know all the simple easy things such as "When it was founded?" "What are majors are there?""How big is the school?" "Are the chicks?" "Are there dudes?"

Anyway, keep up the school, junior grades matter. A lot. Besides, building good study habits first semester will help with second semester grades. Because they matter more.

Not much else, posting on Thursday :]

Sunday, August 29, 2010


I kind of feel like I could sleep for the next seven years. I am really tired. And in my tiredness, I am panicking. Is that how you spell it? I can't even spell anymore!!

All summer, I have been Pollyanna, giving you advice and stuff. The other day though, Lisa reminded me that I can vent and panic and be excited and joyous all at once on this blog too. Because this process is insane. There, I said it. It's like Cruella de Ville eating pot brownies injected with steroids. Who in their right mind would create such a convoluted system?? There are like five different tests (PSAT, SAT, ACT, TOEFL, SAT Subject tests...LMAO, PMS, LOL, WTF). Then, there is the Common App. OH JOY! Life got simple! Oh wait, not all colleges are signed up to it. &*&%&#%@*(^*&# it.

Then, forget college. There are SCHOLARSHIPS. College is like buying a house. Really, it's just like that, because it costs the same freaking amount as a house. But that's like ten other things to apply to. What if you don't get them? Do you get the house? I mean college? I want the house/college!!!

But sometimes, I feel so in control of things. Yes, I am filling things out! Yes, I got a recommendation in progress! Yes, I have college visits! NO, I don't have all my college visits! No, I haven't signed up for scholarships!

Okay, deep breath.

Why am I publishing this rant? Because, I want you to know that I am so far from happy go lucky in this process. One reason is that I feel unprepared for it. That's what I want to help you with. The other reason is that I am terrified, and I don't want you to think that I am Pollyanna, who knows everything. I don't. Did Pollyanna know everything? I actually don't know who she is. Doesn't she sound so darn happy though? Why is she happy? HOW CAN SHE BE HAPPY??? COLLEGE GAHHHH!

I'm going to go sleep now. AGHHHHHHHHH....

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Google right now is like using a typewriter that might explode any minute

So...I haven't posted in like a week because Google is losing its mind. In fact, this post might not even work. I will try though. If it doesn't, then I will talk to Lisa. If it doesn't work though, you won't know that I will talk to her...ho hum.

Anyway, it's a week into school and I am really tired. In fact, tonight will be the first night I haven't accidentally fallen asleep for two hours before my bed time. Good news though, is that I am almost done with the Common App. You will learn more about the Common App next spring, but I will say this: it is easier than I thought it was going to be :]

What I wanted to talk about in this blog post is what a PCC is and how it can help you.

A PCC is a senior picked through an application process. When we were chosen and agreed to be one, we also promised A LOT of time to that role. That means that we have to be devoted to this role; our time would be wasted if we didn't. A PCC can help you in many, many ways.

They can help you...
...Understand the testing system...
...Navigate the various college websites...
...Show you colleges that ARE great, not just because of the name...
...Discuss with you academic and extracurricular passions...
...Choose the best classes for senior year FOR YOU...
...Show our own college processes, and all the ups and downs that go with it...
...Answer questions, and if we can't help you find someone that can!

I know half of you might not even want to think about this, but preparing now will make life much easier when you have two months and OMG deadlines and OMG essays and OMG tests (*panic*).

As always, let us (Me, Ashley, Katy, Stef, Revathi, and Sheela) know if you have any questions!

-Celinda :]

Monday, August 16, 2010

I Wish...

Hey Juniors!
This is a two part blog about what us PCCs wish we would have done our junior year. Today it is me, as well as Stef and Ashley. Tomorrow it's Revathi, Katy, and Sheela. Check it out before you start this crazy year :]


  • I wish I understood each test better (ACT/SAT) before I took them
  • Did research about colleges I didn't know about
  • Organized college letters/emails better
  • Checked FastWeb.com more frequently
  • Gone to Brown Baggers for colleges, even if I didn't think I would apply there

  • Started my college list on Collegeboard.com earlier in the year. Gives you more time to research.
  • Signed up for fastweb.com earlier
  • Started testing earlier ( I started spring of Junior year)
(A lot of my stuff Junior year kind of stemmed from that. It was just a lot of feeling out of control and not knowing what to do. I think those are three things that, if you do early in your Junior year, you'll probably be a little better prepared by the end of the year.)

  • Started looking at colleges earlier
  • Studied more for ACT/SAT
  • Started testing earlier (i.e. January/February)
  • Worried more about my own planning process rather than how it matched up to what others are doing and realizing I would want unique things
  • Talked to Lisa more before summer
  • Used the CRC
  • Relaxed more, college stuff in spring of junior year isn't that bad, it just seemed that way.
  • Signed onto Zinch and Fastweb earlier
  • Gone to more lunchtime Brown Baggers
Get your books, PE clothes, locker decorations, and sanity together, cause it's almost time!
-Celinda :P

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Big Three :o

Hey juniors!
Sorry I haven't blogged in awhile! I have a bunch of blogs coming fast and furious, so bear with me.
My topic today are the Big Three. Nope, not cars. The big three math classes: Stats, Calc, and Advanced Topics. To help me out (since I only took Stats), I asked Stefanie Senior (Adv. Topics)and Revathi Maturi (Calc) to give me their input!

Stef and Advanced Topics
Class in General:
-Pretty cool, most of the material makes sense
-Mostly a Junior orientated class, a good half of your class will be taking this
-(been described as a repeat or extension of Algebra II)

-Homework is assigned every night, unless it's the day before the test
-He grades randomly one or two of the problems
-You can revise problems you get wrong.

-The test is broken down by learning goals, and there are a few problems per learning goal. He grades by the learning goal (aka, if you got all the problems right for learning goal two, then you going to you have mastered learning goal two)
-Often, the math problems are the same as the homework, just a few numbers/words changed

Stef's tips:
-Do the homework!!! Because the test often has reconfigured math homework problems on it, and doing the problems help you learn it, the best thing to do is do your homework.
-If you aren't understanding the material, go see the teacher (this will be a tip for all three!)

Revathi and Calc
Class in General:
-Calc is more difficult than all the other math classes before (difficult does NOT equal impossible)
-The grading scale is wighted, so a B in the class will be an A in your GPA :]

-Between 50-70 problems a WEEK
-Randomly chosen problems to grade
-Homework is only worth around 10% of your grade (aka, tests tend to mean more)
-Lowest homework scores are dropped at the end of the semester.

-There are around 3-5 tests each quarter
-No revisions! But, the lowest score is dropped.
-For the semester, the lowest score is dropped, then the second lowest will be replaced with the final (if you got a higher grade on the final).

Revathi's Tips:
-Study and work hard (no duh :])
-Go talk to the teacher if you're confused
-Refer to the textbook often, since the teacher uses that as a cornerstone of their teaching

Celinda and Stats
Class in General:
-Mostly a senior orientated class
-Mixture of lectures, activities, and projects
-Can be hard to follow the materials IN class (at least I thought)

-Around 6-10 problems a week, usually collected on Tuesday
-Can be difficult or not, based on the material
-Graded on a 0-10 point scale (with ten being perfect), ALL the problems are graded

-Each problem is scored 0-5, then with some voodoo algorithm, it will spit out a grade betweeen 0-50
-You can revise problems that you get wrong, (4 can be revised to a 4.5, and anything lower can be revised up to a 4)
-You can study for the tests by doing the homework and practicing!

Celinda's Tips:
-Go see your teacher if you're not getting it!! (Does this sound familiar?) Math wasn't my best topic, but I went to the math house a ton, and I raised my grade. Think: you have to really love math AND helping if you're going to be a MATH TEACHER.
-Do test revisions! I was almost always able to raise my grade a letter by taking the time to do revisions.

Heads up though! ALL the math teachers might play Musical Chairs on us, and the teachers (and their styles) might all teach different classes. So use this blog as a guiding force. Below I showed who taught what class this year, so that when you take Calc and see a totally different teacher than on the blog, you can view how they taught Advanced Topics and be prepared!
If you have any questions about any of the classes, email/comment/message/paper airplane your question :]

Advanced Topics- Mr. Bild
Calculus- Mr. Buck and Ms. Boca (Revathi had Ms. Boca)
Stats- Mr. Russell

-Celinda <3