Friday, September 24, 2010


So...four hours of know, sleep is kinda important. Also, eating. Eating is important. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ...

Just a quick reminder, if you are interested in working with a PCC, you need to sign the form by October 1! You don't have to (aka, it's optional) but I personally am excited to work with you. I have to admit, my PCC last year wasn't that helpful, so I have had to bumble through this process by myself. Which sucks. A lot. I want you guys to have a more helpful PCC. That's why I signed up.

If anyone has questions pertaining to the Junior meeting, why the sky is blue, college visits, what is love, or anything, feel free to ask (warning: I will probably fail at answering non-college related questions)

Here is how you can contact us:
Facebook (except Ash)
Email (ckdavis2, rmaturi2, huddson2, sgogula2, ssenior2, kmetcal2)
Face to face (WHAT???)

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