Thursday, January 13, 2011

Katy: Why EA

Hey Juniors! I decided to wait until after Katy's post because of the EA connection (OOOOH!) Anyway, enjoy! Next week it will be Revathi :]

Dear Internet Friends---

I’m done with kolej. What’s up. I’m writing on someone else’s blog and I’m also done with kolej. Word.

In truth, internet friends! I have been so terrified of college for the last four years that I’ve been spelling it ‘kolej’ and getting more jumpy and terrified and scattered with each passing quarter and now all of the sudden I’m done, I’m free. I filed all my applications early and five nail-biting weeks later got all my college letters, and I’ve made my decision and now I’m free. Cats and kittens, I’m done. Second semester senior. It’s happening.

And nothing is ever that easy, or that cut-and-dry. Internet friends, I was denied admission from my first-choice school! And that was hard, and I cried tears all over and was a general mess for about five minutes. It was pretty bad. They weren’t kind about it either—a three line email, telling me that I couldn’t spend the next four years where I had wanted to be for the last four years. I was, I think understandably, upset.

Incidentally, though, I got a letter from my second choice school the same day—Beloit College, in Wisconsin. The letter was personalized, commending me for my essays, my work with the Wesley Food Pantry, and a few days later there was a lovely email from the rep I’d interviewed with, and met again when I visited (Juniors: he’ll be here in January to do some Uni Period thing about liberal arts educations. Even if it’s not mandatory, you should hit that up. He’s a cool guy. Seniors: If you’re applying to Beloit, or interested in Beloit at all, interview with him! Easy and fun etc.)

And that’s where I’ll be next year, Beloit College. In Wisconsin. I suspect many of you haven’t heard of it, it’s not very large, but I was never really looking for a brand name education, and I loved the visit, and I have friends there. I’ll be happy there. I’m glad to be done with “the college process” and all the messes it entails.

Cats and kittens, that’s it. I’ve summed up my college process, all the salient bits, in four paragraphs and most of it was facetious and there was a fair amount of fluffy language. But that’s it, for me. This entire year has been defined by that moment, crosslegged on my bed, shouting into the phone to my boyfriend trying to be heard over a bad connection.
“I’ll be at Beloit next year.”
“What did you say? I just left, I’m not in Beloit anymore.”
“I said, I’ll be at Beloit next year. That’s where I’m going, to school!”
“That’s, uh, what?”
“Never mind, I’ll call you later!”
“No, I heard you that time!”
“Congratulations! I’m happy for you.”

I’m happy for me too, guys. There’s a Bon Iver song about Wisconsin that I’m listen to over and over, only half because it’s sweet and sad and excellent. I got mittens for Christmas because I’ll be in snowy northern climes next year. This was—mostly—painless. And now I’m done, and free.

--So much love!,
Beloit College, Class of 2015

PS// Dudes, merit aid is important and in this day and age a lot of schools don’t give out a whole lot and you have to rely on financial aid which is pretty skinny, and this is a thing that merits research and study and long conversations with people in the know, but I am running off to school with a quite generous scholarship from Beloit based on my essays and the fact that I applied early. Applying early is worth it if you can, wherever you’re going, because sometimes they give you ca$h monay. I mean, merit aid. To spend on books. And stuff. Anyway.

PPS// If you visit a school that you have friends at, it may well be worth arranging to stay with them instead of a random student through the school! Not that that’s bad, but sometimes you end up with an awkward pairing that just makes everyone uncomfortable. Speaking from experience. Okay anyway I’m done for real now, goodbye, good luck, and godspeed.

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